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Every Friday our Course Coordination Team picks two posts from our students to share with the GetSmarter Team. This week features a student on the UCT Bookkeeping course touching on the convenience of a flexible online learning experience, and another student celebrating her assignment results for the UCT Business Writing course while in Paris! Comment from a student on the Bookkeeping course:

The GetSmarter process of educating, I feel, is one of the best and most convenient methods that I have come across during my time of seeking a suitable tertiary education institution. Unfortunately, people who have a full time job and a home to look after often cannot find the time to make evening classes and also many correspondence courses are on the other hand too laid back - usually resulting in a loss of interest because it's very easy to skip semesters. GetSmarter has offered me the perfect in-between solution and I look forward to participating in other courses in the near future!

Comment from a student on the Business Writing and Legal Documents course:

Thank you so much, Getsmarter team!! I'm already celebrating my assignment 9 result in Paris now!! Hope to get the final result soon but I believe through this journey, I did learn a lot and what I learned here will definitely help me write better business documents in the future! Good luck to everyone in the future too!!